Min nye bog: Penge, Krak og Bobler, er nu i handlen.
Speaker, author, and economist specializing in making the complex world of macroeconomics and society understandable to everyone.
Author of “The little guide on Money, Financial Busts and Bubbles”, previously responsible for Euroinvestor.dk - the largest financial site in Denmark, financial consultant, and author of several columns in Danish newspapers, among them Jyllands Posten and Finans.dk.
Do you find it increasingly difficult to navigate your business in these uncertain inflationary times and would you like to give your team a better and easily digestible perspective on the dynamics of the market that you operate in?
With a philosophical and human nature focused approach I tell a different and much more relatable story about our monetary, financial and economic world, and give the listeners a better foundation to take these learnings with them and incorporate them into the company’s long term strategy.
A few shorts from one of my latest talks.
Other media presence
Finans.dk - Bitcoin
DEBAT: Bitcoin er et yderst risikabelt aktiv at placere sin opsparing i
Podcast om Rentens betydning
PODCAST: I marts gæstede jeg Ophelia Invest Talks for at tale lidt om nogen af de emner, jeg gennemgår i bogen. Her fik vi talt om, hvad en rente er, hvad det er, der påvirker renten, og hvordan renteniveauet påvirker fx. boligpriser
JyllandsPosten - Hvad er vækst?
KRONIK: Vækst er ikke bare at dele penge ud til folk og så tro på, at de bruger dem
JyllandsPosten - Hjælpepakker
KRONIK: Er alle de hjælpepakker en god idé?