
Macroservices and Talks

  • Talks

    In my talks, I cover how human nature shapes our markets and in this light, I go through the nature of innovation & growth, monetary theory, market theory, debt cycles and couple this with real life business cases to put everything into actionable context.

    People walk away with a better understanding of the dynamics that guide our societies and a much stronger foundation to guide company strategy and focus in these tumultuous times.

  • Macro and strategic sessions

    In my macro services I offer a more intimate hands-on product that will be tailored to best suit your current needs.

    These can range from a 1-hour talk + 1-hour sit-down with questions and action points, to weeklong sessions where I immerse myself in your business, in order to get a much better understanding of your organizational challenges and provide more in-depth strategic analysis and action-plans.

Interim services and consulting

  • - Market research and strategic analysis

  • - Operational optimization and restructuring

  • - Business Development

  • - BI-services